Friday, May 04, 2007

Looking for the Sexiest Republican

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the state of American political discourse. Forget those trifling concerns about the state of our nation's economy, morality or susceptibility to terrorism -- concentrate instead on which G.O.P. hopeful has the highest "Stud Quotient."

I agree with many of you that Romney was the most impressive. I think he showed great intelligence (much more than the others, who are not slouches), command of facts about Iraq and the medical issue (stem cell), and of course it is hard to ignore the fact that he is incredibly good looking. It is actually esthetically painful to watch Brownback, Paul, Tancredo, Thompson, and Huckabee. I know this is frivolous and shallow, but there it is.

The rest are not exactly oil paintings, but don’t cause actual visual discomfort. I am guessing that most of you on this debate blog are male, and might not be paying attention to this important, uh, nuance.

Hillary Rodham is dreaming if she thinks she is getting the “female” vote, unless she means those not particularly interested in men generally. Perhaps she just thinks her husband will actually get the female vote for her. I will refrain from speculating as to how this will work.

One reply to the above comment was:

What a shame. A seemingly intelligent “young lady” being so totally shallow.

I hope she doesn’t mind it too much when she’s 40 and gravity takes hold of her body and people begin to judge her by her own shallow standards.

You all think Romney did so well? I heard him twice refer to his change of heart “two years ago” on the abortion issue. Both times I thought to myself “What was two years ago?”. I think it was when he decided to run for President.

Romney is a pretty boy pretender, and we already had one of those as president for 8 years, we don’t need another.

But others endorsed the idea that looks mattered...a lot!

Maybe not. I am a happily heterosexual kind of guy, but even I couldn’t help but notice Mitt is one smooth, handsome manly man. The camera loves him.

A shallow observation, absolutely, but every pollster watching him last night took notice of his stud factor. Mitt has star power.

For more of this discriminating discussion, check out this Power Line post along with it's link to comments.