Thursday, March 15, 2007

A New Pro-Choice Service: Sympathy Cards for Aborted Women

The abortion lobby just can't make up its mind. Abortion rights spokespersons have for years scoffed, shrugged and laughed off the evidence shown by pro-lifers that abortion results in serious complications and psychological problems for women.

But now, though still clinging desperately to their abortion advocacy, they're sending sympathy cards to aborted women.

Hmm. You suppose they have any that go like this?

Dear friend,

Don't worry, honey; you'll get over this guilt...maybe someday. And, oh yeah, that unusual bleeding and your fears that something may have gone wrong? Forget it. Just hang tight, sister. Remember that abortion is a sacred bond that hold us womyn together.

And, of course, whatever you do, don't take your pain and fear and second-guessing to an anti-choice pregnancy center Or to an attorney Or to the press. After all, girl, we must be willing to pay some price for getting rid of the awful burdens of our natural physiology.

And...well, let's see...oh yes, remember that keeping a green bough in your heart brings back the birds of serenity to your mind...or whatever.

Sincerely, your dear friend.