Monday, March 05, 2007

Nebraska Doctors Supporting a Ban on Human Cloning

The Nebraska Coalition for Ethical Research presented a special resolution at a news conference this morning in the Capitol rotunda. The resolution, signed by 65 Nebraska physicians, was in support of LB 700, the Nebraska Human Cloning Ban. The purposes of the resolution will be greatly enhanced, of course, as you add your voice to theirs by encouraging your state senators to enthusiastically support LB 700. (See earlier posts here, here and here for more information.)

Physician Resolution Supporting LB 700
As physicians, we reject the contention that it is ethical to produce human clones for the purpose of destroying them at the embryonic stage to harvest their stem cells. We value research to find cures for debilitating diseases and conditions. However, we also recognize the fundamental principle of medical research: it is not ethical to use human beings for medical experimentation when the likely result is harm or death.

• Human embryos are living beings that are fully human and on a path of self-directed development from the one-cell zygote stage.
• Human embryos are human beings from the moment they come into existence as zygotes, whether it happens in a lab dish or a fallopian tube.
• Human cloning, also known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, produces human embryos that, like any human embryos, are human beings.
• So-called “therapeutic” human cloning means producing cloned human embryos only to destroy them for their stem cells.
• Human beings should not be created as objects of experimentation.
• Human cloning for research represents the commoditization and commercialization of human life.
• Human cloning would create a class of human beings who exist not as ends in themselves, but as means to achieve the ends of others.
• Human cloning would be a gateway technology for the further manipulation and control of human beings.

• Oppose the production of human clones in Nebraska;
• Oppose the use of cloned humans or their remains obtained from sources outside Nebraska; and
• Urge the Nebraska Legislature to enact LB 700.

Roger D. Albin, M.D.
Clete Baum, M.D.
Richard Belatti, M.D.
James Bertus, M.D.
Daniel G. Blomenberg, M.D.
Ernest W. Chupp, M.D.
Jude T. Cook, M.D.
John W. Crotty, M.D.
Peter DeMarco, M.D.
Stephen Doran, M.D.
Paul Esposito, M.D.
Michael P. Ferris, M.D.
David A. Franco, M.D.
Michael J. Haller, M.D.
David Harnisch, M.D.
John Heffron, M.D.
Thomas Hejkal, M.D.
Don Henslee, M.D.
Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D.
Michael W. Holland, M.D.
Jeff R. Hollis, M.D.
Robert Howell, M.D.
Marc Koenig, M.D.
Rex Largen, M.D.
Judson C. Martin, M.D.
Joseph R. McCaslin, M.D.
James E. McGill, M.D.
Peter McLeay, M.D.
Philip D. McNeely, M.D.
Clyde Meckel, M.D.
Leo L. Meduna, M.D.
Joe Metcalf, M.D.
Roger Meyer, M.D.
Delwyn J. Nagengast, M.D.
Gregston Nelson, M.D.
Lyle W. Nilson, M.D.
Scott Noel, M.D.
Michael O’Donnell, M.D.
T. Kevin O’Malley, M.D.
Arun Angelo Patil, M.D.
Gregory T. Penny, M.D.
Mark Pitner, M.D.
Richard C. Pitner, M.D.
Sheryl Pitner, M.D.
Robert D. Plambeck, M.D.
Henry J. Quiring, M.D.
Stephen C. Raynor, M.D.
Herb Reese, M.D.
Charles Reese, M.D.
John P. Reilly, M.D.
John Safranek, M.D.
Louis Safranek, III, M.D.
Therese Safranek, M.D.
Tom Safranek, M.D.
Mark Scanlan, M.D.
Ted Segura, M.D.
Louis A. Sojka, M.D.
Gerald J. Spethman, M.D.
Alex T. Stolarskyj, M.D.
Louis Tribulato, M.D.
Walt F. Weaver, M.D.
Dennis Weisenburger, M.D.
Stuart P. Westburg, M.D.
Steven D. Weyrich, M.D.
H. Randall Woodward, M.D.