Monday, March 26, 2007

Biblical Blueprints Announces Omaha Pro-Life Conference

Biblical Blueprints (in cooperation with the Nebraska Family Council and our own organization, Vital Signs Ministries) has just announced Turning the Tide, an engaging one-day pro-life conference coming up on May 19th at Grace University in Omaha.

As described by Biblical Blueprints' Mike Elliott in their promotional material:

This one-day conference aims to...
1) give hope -- to see what Christ commands and how He empowers

and 2) equip -- to do what He commands with the power He gives.

This conference will cast the vision and provide strategies so that every Christian citizen can make a difference in the effort to bring culture into conformity with Christ.

Each session builds on the previous to give a well-rounded day of training. Dr. Kayser will begin the day explaining the theological basis for christian action. Denny Hartford will share from over 25 years of experience in the Pro-Life movement. Al Riskowski will speak from his persepective impacting policy on the state level. Dr. Hammond will cap it off with an inspiring and challenging session on the clash between Christ's kingdom and the forces of darkness in Africa. We will finish the day with a Q/A session to address particular points of interest to the audience.

Join us for an unprecedented gathering of warriors for Christ, and be inspired and equipped to join the ranks.

Read more about this event on this web page, including how to sign up. Whether you are an interested novice, seasoned intercessor, or veteran pro-life activist, this conference will be a helpful, encouraging time, so please plan on joining us.

We really hope to see you there!