It looks like business as usual for Vital Signs Ministries...our Father's business, that is.
It started with our morning's ministry in front of the abortion clinic where, I'm very sorry to say, maybe as many as eleven babies were brutally killed. Though we felt frustrated and gloomy last night when the Democrats in Congress passed the health care takeover, the experience this morning of having men and women spurn our offers of abortion alternatives as they entered that grisly den of death was worse. You might think that after 28 years of sidewalk counseling we would be used to that by now...but we aren't.
The next task is putting up a few posts here on Vital Signs Blog to be followed by making a donation to the campaign of Bart Stupak's opponent, Dr. Dan Benishek. Later today, I'll edit an article I'm submitting to the newspaper as an op/ed, answer some correspondence, and fill out the census forms. We will also spend some time at Life Care Center with Mom and other residents, do some housecleaning, do some editing on our website, listen to a friend's music which we may use in a special outreach, and drive up to Blair to return a couple of books we checked out of the Dana College library.
Oh yeah, speaking of books, we're going to try and take some of the evening to get further in the Jane Austen book for the discussion coming up on Saturday night.
Yesterday was a hard blow, there's no doubt about it. But, guys, we've got to move forward and be as gracious and principled, as energetic and cheerful, as winsome and hopeful as ever. So let's pray for each other that we carry out our responsibilities well.