Monday, September 28, 2009

Newsweek Comes to the Aid of ObamaCare's "Death Panels"

In case you missed this from a couple of weeks ago (I had bookmarked it but only got around to reading it this afternoon), here's the Newsweek cover article, "The Case for Killing Granny: Re-Thinking End-Of-Life Care."

The piece is more shocking and frightening than any horror movie you've ever seen because, after all, you always knew that zombies didn't exist, that Dracula was a fictional villain, and that intergalactic aliens wouldn't be all that interested in taking over your body.

But this article, done by the magazine that hasn't yet found an abortion it isn't in favor of, is as serious as sin. And their openly nihilistic argument against the sanctity of human life is not only at the core of the movements promoting physician-assisted suicide and "checkbook euthanasia," it is very much a part of the Democrat's chilling version of health care reform. Under the guise of "cost containment," Obamacare clearly introduces (no, make that requires) "care containment."

They may be killing Grandma softly...but they're killing her nonetheless. She's using up too much of our air.