You'll be able to see several of the letter recipients (and issues) as you read a few of the notes I randomly plucked from the pile today. We are hoping they inspire you to write a few yourselves. Indeed, we know of several who do that and Pat has already come by for his target sheet, address sheet, and a few cards. (By the way, that updated address sheet will be on the VSM website by the time the snow starts falling this evening.)
President Trump,
Thank you for what you are doing for our country in regard to our border, cutting spending, religious liberty, working for peace with Ukraine and Russia, supporting Israel, and promoting the sanctity of life. I pray for you to grow in your relationship with God, for your safety, for your success in leading the country. I believe God has protected you for a reason. Look to him! May the Lord bless you and keep you. (HG)
Governor Pillen,
Just another quick word of thanks for your principled, enthusiastic, and effective leadership of the pro-life cause here in Nebraska. Also your defense of religious freedom and gender sanity and economic growth is of tremendous effect as well. And hearing you rise up and thank President Trump at that Governor’s gathering a couple of weeks ago was terrific! Stay the course. (D&CH)
Dear State Senator DeBoer,
I’m writing in support of LB 655 which would protect health care professionals from being forced to perform services that violate their consciences...Forcing anyone to act in a manner inconsistent with strongly held beliefs is demeaning to that person and foreshadows a totalitarian state. Thank you for your consideration and support of LB655. (TK)
Vice-President Vance,
Congratulations on your attaining the high vocation of U.S. Vice-President. I have every confidence that you will do a fine job to help the people of our country, especially with your principles learned from your past experiences. I feel confident that you will continue to place your faith in God. As you do so, much will be accomplished. I especially appreciate your firm pro-life stand, recognizing the sanctity of all human life from womb to tomb. May I now mention a few items of serious concern to me as I ask for your influence and example to impact these things? Defunding Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, and USAID; promoting fairness and non-discrimination; preventing voter fraud and government waste, and promoting adoption. God bless you and your work, Mr. Vice-President and I will be praying for you. I believe you are the right man. (JK)
Mr. Jelinek,
Good grief! What is Costco doing in refusing to change their racist DEI policy? It has been proven over and over that DEI policies are unfair, counter-productive, and demeaning to those that they “aim” to serve. As a Costco member (for a little while – let’s see how quickly you come around to following federal policies), I urge you to please turn DEI off ASAP. You do a lot of things right...but not this one! (CH)
HHS Secretary Kennedy,
Congratulations on your confirmation. We look forward to policies that will help ensure better health for our nation’s population. But could I now be so bold as to suggest a couple of specific items? 1) Defund Planned Parenthood. Their primary business is promoting abortion. I object to my tax dollars being used for this despicable purpose. 2) The abortion drug RU-486 should be banned (but at the very least, it should not be able to be “prescribed” over the phone). These drugs are not safe for the women and, of course, they are deadly to a preborn child. Thank you for your consideration. (JM)
Dear Mr. Musk,
Just a quick word of thanks for the powerful and persuasive case you are making that fiscal responsibility by the U.S. government IS possible -- but only IF we get deadly serious about eliminating the waste, the criminal fraud, and the ideologically inspired theft of taxpayer dollars. Please keep cutting! (DH)
Sandy and the Nebraska Right to Life team,
You guys are doing such a noble and critical work -- and you’re doing it with integrity, skill, compassion, and diligence. We are continually impressed and grateful. Keep looking up for God is our strength and our reward. Stay the course. (D&CH)
Dear Defense Secretary Hegseth,
Congratulations on your appointment to this important position in President Donald Trump’s new administration. I have enjoyed watching you and the progress of your work on Newsmax. I am thanking the Lord for your hard work, long hours, and your courage to tackle it all. Proverbs 4:7 -- “The beginning of wisdom is to acquire wisdom and with all your possessions, acquire understanding.” (DP)
Dear Senator,
I’m writing to ask you to support LB 669 to strengthen Nebraska’s informed consent laws to protect women and girls. I would also ask you to support LB 557 and support LB427 -- both bills would expand education options for children and their families. I would add a request that you support L213 which would regulate require human embryology to be taught as part of the state’s basic science curriculum. Finally, I would ask that you support LB 655 to protect medical professionals’ conscience concerns. Thank you for your service. Many regards. (JM)
To the group once proudly and fondly known as the Boy Scouts,
Poor Sir Baden-Powell would be turning in his grave to know how the Boy Scouts have become so embarrassed by Judeo-Christian moral standards and the noble ideals of principled, chivalric masculinity that they changed their name, changed their very purposes, invited girls into the boy’s clubhouse, and even went so far down as to introduce young, impressionable boys to the influence homosexual “scout leaders.” How terribly, terribly tragic. (DH)
President Trump,
Thank you for your stand on the sanctity of human life and all the other things you are doing for our country. I know you take a beating but you are a strong man to take all that flak from people who hate all that our country stands for. May God bless you. My husband and I pray frequently for your safety and well-being. Continue in life and good works. (CM)
Dear Christianity Today,
I chose this card because it reminded me of the high cliff your publication has already fallen from! Indeed, your compromise with the sadly-misnamed progressive culture has not only cost you your self-respect, your influence, and your eternal rewards. It has also cost you the lion’s share of your readership. Your numbers continue to drop and it’s now discovered that you’re only getting by with government money! From what I read the most recent numbers suggest that about 19% of CT’s income came through U.S. taxpayer money funneled through the now-infamous USAID. Good grief. Like so many on the left, you're only speaking now to your own dwindling group. And yet you continue to pay exorbitant salaries to your execs. Good grief. Be sure that I will be spreading the word. (DH)
Nebraska State Senator Arch,
Thank you for being our senator. There are several bills coming up that I hope you will support. LB 669 -- informed consent and screening for human trafficking. LB 633 -- school choice and education. LB 213 -- teaching human development as part of the science curriculum. LB 709 -- making adoption more affordable. LB 5O4 -- dealing with online platforms in a way that would limit harmful content and provide parental controls. And finally, LB 655 -- protecting healthcare providers from being forced to go against their conscience beliefs. Again, thank you for serving. I would like to hear how you plan to vote on these matters. (HG)
Dear Senator Ricketts,
Congratulations on your reelection. It is heartening to have such a strong supporter of life in the U.S. Senate representing the state of Nebraska. Thank you so much. I would like to ask you to advocate and support all efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and to support all efforts to ban (at the very least limit the damages being caused to preborn babies and their moms) abortifacient drugs like RU-486. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (JM)
Congressman Bacon,
We have certainly been disappointed in recent weeks with your knee-jerk criticism of President Trump's critical (and decades overdue) efforts to shine a light on and put a stop to the massive waste, criminal fraud, and ideologically-motivated theft of American taxpayer dollars taking place inside the deep state bureaucracy. Instead, Congressman Bacon, we would like to see you being more courageous and diligent in championing key conservative issues instead allowing the unacceptable status quo to continue. (DH)