Friday night (Jan. 31) was the Nebraska Right to Life Gala -- a fantastic banquet/fundraising banquet that featured an enlightening and stirring talk by acclaimed actor and Christian spokesman Jim Caviezel. Terrific. The program also included brief presentations by Governor Jim Pillen, NRL Director Sandy Danek, N.U. volleyball star Rebekah Allick, and an excellent promotional video for NRL with Sandy, State Senator Tanya Storer (District 43), State Auditor Mike Foley, and me. (You can watch that 3 minute video, by the way, at this link.) I was also honored to share a couple of items with the 1200 in attendance and then lead them in prayer. And yes, the inspiration of the night was increased all the more for Claire and me by the pro-life heroes we had with us at the Vital Signs table: Dr. Ralph Kramper, Mary Roberts, Dave & Chris Schlesiger, Jay & Amy VanKat, and Keith & Barb Huizenga from Fremont.
Yet as wonderful as the Gala was, the NRL-sponsored Walk for Life the following morning was also intensely important for moving the pro-life cause forward in our state. The crowd at the capitol was very large; the collection of political representatives addressing the crowd was very impressive and motivational; and the dramatic witness of thousands of peaceful, prayerful pro-lifers walking through the streets of Lincoln was a powerful witness indeed. And, as always, we very much enjoyed the conversations with pro-life Nebraskans as we passed out free literature from the Vital Signs table.
And then there was last night! (Friday, Feb. 7) Claire and I were thrilled to again serve at the Night To Shine, the Tim Tebow Foundation's unique and beautiful ministry that gives an extravagant “prom night” to special needs people. What a super cool event this is! We worked the Parent and Caregiver room last night -- greeting, directing, visiting, serving food and drinks, busing tables, and then cleaning up after our guests had enjoyed the meal, music bingo, raffle prizes, and big screen views of the Red Carpet greeting and Dance Party. There was no doubt; people were absolutely over-the-moon with the success of the Night To Shine! So, way to go Tim Tebow, King of Kings Church, and all the volunteers.
Okay, but what of the week in-between those two Friday night highs? Well, there was a great church service at Aksarben Village Senior Living where a group of junior high students joined us for fellowship with the residents after church...bundling up for a very cold morning of pro-life witness outside the Planned Parenthood abortion business... several excellent fellowship opportunities over meals and coffee this week with Gary and Dean, Larry and Deb, Ralph, Jim and interview for a testimonial video honoring John and Mary Ann Kellogg's long and invaluable pro-life service over the years...a lot of correspondence and social media action, including the weekend’s Top Five...preparing the February “When Swing Was King” show... and doing quite a bit of research for an article I'm writing about the recent troubles being caused for the pro-life community by people calling themselves “abortion abolitionists.” That piece, by the way, will appear on Vital Signs Blog early next week.
Anyhow, like I said, what a week! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for each and every person who blessed us, for each opportunity to serve, and for all the ways You continue, in Your abounding mercy, to bless and empower us.