From the article -- Executive orders can simply be reversed — which can be good, since this is what allowed Trump to undo former President Joe Biden’s executive orders like the one that turned federal agencies into Democrat get-out-the-vote machines. But many of Trump’s most vital executive orders — like “Protecting Children From Chemical and Surgical Mutilation” — have already drawn lawfare attacks from deep blue states like Washington.
Through executive orders, Trump has brought the censorship-industrial complex to the brink of death. He has taken steps to protect children from genital mutilation in the form of “transgender” surgeries. He has sent DEI to die. Through the Department of Government Efficiency, Trump is dismantling the bloated bureaucracy that has been using billions of taxpayer dollars in a massive leftist-funding scam. Republicans have only dreamed of such progress since before President Ronald Reagan. But without further action, this progress could disappear in just four years.
* "The Civil Service’s Partisanship Problem" (Daniel McCarthy, Chronicles)
From the article -- Here’s a dirty secret about the federal government many Americans are just learning: It’s run by Democrats, even when voters elect Republicans. Presidents come and go, but the permanent federal bureaucracy remains the same, and it has a distinct partisan tilt. When Americans send a Republican to the Oval Office, they get a government still administered mostly by the other party. Yes, that makes a sham of democracy. But no president before Donald Trump was prepared to confront the problem.
* "Oh, horrors! Trump pursues peace and tells the truth about Zelenskyy" (Victoria White Berger, American Thinker)
From the article -- From the reignition of the Ukraine war, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress (in the main) has presented as routinely hostile to and dismissive of any diplomatic engagement to stop this bloody, terrible conflict. Ditto and more so, Zelenskyy himself. Biden stoked the war by allowing unregulated, unreported, and unchallenged billions in cash and munitions to flow to Mr. Zelenskyy, who repeatedly engaged in blatant grifting while circumventing a change in leadership. While Ukraine is at war elections are suspended and Zelenskyy can, “constitutionally,” stay put.
Was no one in U.S. Bidenland remotely interested in why the Biden administration neglected (a) any war costs accountability and (b) any diplomatic initiatives for peace…for three years? Did no one tire of Zelenskyy’s obvious pandering and self-promotion in America, as the cash kept going from us to him? Did anyone notice that, despite the political theatrics from Britain, the EU, the UN, Germany, and France, it was and is the U.S., not Europe, primarily carrying the cash can for this war on another continent?
Why did no one in the moribund Biden media think to ask about the historic domestic corruption shared between political actors in the U.S. and Ukraine, corruption largely related to the Biden family and, quite possibly, many other American officials and legislators?
And if you're interested in a much different take than what you'll get from most of the media about the profane former comedian/zealous Harris supporter/begging powerlord Zelenskyy, Ukrainian corruption, and that country's persecution of religious believers, check out this 20-minute video clip from The Stream..."What’s Really Happening in Ukraine? Religious Repression and the Prospects for Peace" (In this 22-minute interview, L. Todd Wood of Creative Destruction Media sits down with Bob Amsterdam, a human rights lawyer who specializes in religious freedom, to talk about how the Ukrainian government represses the historic Orthodox Church of that country, but favors a split-off Orthodox church that was set up by the U.S. State Department to help the war effort in that country. Amsterdam also assesses the prospects for peace, as President Donald Trump prepares for direct talks with Russia’s Vladimir Putin over that grinding, futile conflict.)
* "Green Energy’s Dark Side: Bird Deaths, Graveyards of Broken Blades, and Other Ecological Harms" (Lance D. Johnson, Natural News)
From the article -- Federal wildlife officials described Ivanpah as a “mega-trap” for birds, with its intense light rays attracting insects and, in turn, birds that were incinerated mid-flight. Workers dubbed these tragic incidents “streamers,” referring to the smoke plumes left behind. At its peak, the plant was estimated to kill one bird every two minutes, totaling over 130,000 avian deaths annually.
Despite its ecological toll, Ivanpah struggled to meet energy production targets. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), one of its primary customers, announced in 2025 that it would no longer purchase power from the plant. Two of its three towers will shut down next year, with the third likely to follow.
“It might have functioned merely as the world’s most expensive backyard bug zapper,” quipped the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
* "As Trump Signs EO to Expand IVF, Worries Remain over Destruction of Embryos" (Dan Hart, Washington Stand)
From the article -- Trump’s executive order, entitled “Expanding Access to In Vitro Fertilization,” argues that “Americans need reliable access to IVF and more affordable treatment options, as the cost per cycle can range from $12,000 to $25,000. Providing support, awareness, and access to affordable fertility treatments can help [infertile] families navigate their path to parenthood with hope and confidence.” The order goes on to instruct the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy to “submit to the President a list of policy recommendations on protecting IVF access and aggressively reducing out-of-pocket and health plan costs for IVF treatment” within 90 days.
Numerous pro-life organizations and advocates quickly issued warnings about ethical concerns over IVF in response to Trump’s EO.
“Only 7% of human embryos created via IVF will result in a live birth,” Live Action President Lila Rose posted on X. “93% of these lives are frozen indefinitely, miscarried, or aborted. Over 1,000,000 embryos are frozen in the U.S. IVF is NOT pro-life.”
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America also voiced caution over IVF procedures. “SBA Pro-Life America does not object to ethical fertility treatments paired with strong medical safety standards that help couples struggling with infertility,” they wrote on X. “We also believe human embryos should not be destroyed. Rogue practitioners who switch human embryos, fail to follow basic safety standards, or negligently destroy human embryos desired by infertile couples must be held to account under any federal role in fertility treatment.”
Pro-life advocate and commentator Allie Beth Stuckey additionally expressed several concerns over IVF. “We don’t need to incentivize IVF, which kills more innocent humans tha[n] abortion each year,” she posted. “America is already the wild, Wild West of reproductive technology. Europe & Canada have much better protections for the little lives created through in vitro. Here, eugenics and embryonic destruction & cryopreservation is rampant. No one is entitled to a baby. How we create new life matters.”