Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Behind the Scenes with Demons?

For the next Vital Signs Book Brunch (April 12, 10 AM, at the Hartford home in northwest Omaha), we have selected a classic, Lord Foulgrins’s Letters by one of our favorite contemporary authors, Randy Alcorn from Eternal Perspective Ministries. The book has been one of our favorite Alcorn titles ever since it was published in 2000. In fact, I remember a lively discussion of the book with Randy on one of the “Weekend Vital Signs” radio interviews back in the day. But we will expect no less of a delightful, meaningful conversation with all of you on the 12th.

The book can be obtained for less than $10 at the EPM site itself. That’s a terrific price. And though you might find a used copy a couple of dollars cheaper somewhere else, when you purchase it through EPM, 10% goes to maintain their excellent work with the other 90% going to a variety of other Christ-centered ministries around the world. The link that you’ll need is right here.

But don’t just take my word for it regarding the excellence and provocative nature of the book. Listen in on these testimonies:

“Lord Foulgrins’s Letters is a welcome addition to the world of Christian fiction. Randy Alcorn provides a needed reminder of just what it means for Christians to be engaged in battle with principalities and powers not of this world.” (Chuck Colson) 

“If you are interested in gaining a better understanding of Satan’s schemes, Lord Foulgrin’s Letters is a must read.” (Tim and Beverly LaHaye)

“One of the most unusual and important inquiries into the demon mind since The Screwtape Letters, Alcorn rivets our attention. This book will disturb, stimulate, and enlighten.” (D. James Kennedy)

Of course, RSVPs are of very important help to us as we plan for the Book Brunch, so if you plan on joining in the fun, please let us know as soon as you can. Thank you!