Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Jan. 22 Open Letter to President Trump

(Of course, we encourage your letters and emails of a similar nature.)

A Jan. 22 Open Letter 

Dear President Trump,

Congratulations on what was a most dramatic and encouraging inauguration!

You are making America stronger and fairer and more efficient -- and doing it with much needed speed. Thank you, Mr. President. (Yes, it’s terrific to be able to say that again!) We will continue in our frequent and fervent prayers for you, your family, and your efforts to make America great again.

And, to that noble end, Mr. President, we would like to urge you (on this the anniversary of Roe v Wade) to quickly enact the following policies -- each one representing a key priority for the reversal of the Biden administration’s wicked worship of abortion.  

1) The immediate release of all pro-life advocates who the Biden administration had thrown in jail because they dared pray in front of an abortion mill.

2) The defunding of Planned Parenthood.

3) The reinstatement of the Mexico City policy and the cutting off of all other funding to anti-life agencies and programs.

We have so appreciated your quick, decisive moves to move our nation back from the brink of disaster to which the Biden administration had brought it. But, Mr. President, please now mark these 3 items as immediate priorities as well.

Thank you.

Denny & Claire Hartford
Vital Signs Ministries
Omaha, Nebraska