Friday, October 11, 2024

The Top 5 (October 12)

* "Vote FOR 434 & Vote AGAINST 439" (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog)

From the release: "“The immediate purpose of Nebraska Initiative 434 is to protect girls, women, and preborn children from the exploitation and lethal violence of abortion with the secondary effects helping to build a stronger culture of life, love, and justice in our state. On the other hand, Initiative 439 is a truly draconian measure which would eliminate every pro-life law ever passed by the Nebraska Legislature. That would include the compassionate and common-sense laws that prohibit late term abortions, require minors to inform parents of a pending abortion, require women to be fully informed about the realities and risks of abortion, and so on. 

Indeed, if 439 were to become part of the Nebraska Constitution, there would be no restraint whatsoever (not even regulation) on abortion businesses, making it immeasurably unsafe for girls and women and babies. No, Initiative 439 is not designed to help women at all; it is merely a bold attempt by the abortion profiteers to increase still further their extremely lucrative businesses. Therefore, I strongly urge my fellow Nebraskans to vote FOR Initiative 434 and to vote AGAINST Initiative 439."

* "Harris And Biden Don’t Value American Lives, So Neither Should Be President" (Beth Brelje, Federalist)

From the article -- While campaign commercials for Kamala Harris scream that states are banning abortion and that access to the deadly procedure is at risk without Harris at the helm, the US saw, in 2023, the most abortions in a decade: an estimated 1,037,000 in the formal health care system. It’s an 11 percent increase since 2020, the last year estimates were available, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks abortion data.

That is enough babies to fill the University of Michigan’s “Big House” football stadium 10 times.

Abortion is big business, and politicians who pledge to keep the abortion racket thriving get huge campaign donations. They can afford it. The nonprofit Planned Parenthood Federation of America showed more than a half billion dollars in gross receipts in 2023. President and CEO Alexis McGill Johnson earned nearly $584,000 that year, outpacing the $400,000 annual salary of the U.S. president. With so much money on the line, the idea of making abortion safe and rare is not the goal anymore. Killing the unborn is profitable, and it shows in the tone Harris uses when defending the grisly practice.

* "To the 41 Million Christians ‘Unlikely’ to Vote This November: ‘You Need to Repent’" (Suzanne Bowdey, Washington Stand)

From the article -- According to some truly shocking statistics from George Barna at Arizona Christian University (ACU), as many as 41 million Christians plan to sit this election out — more than enough to hand the country’s keys to the eager and radical Left. For Donald Trump’s opponent, the news that one of the Dems’ biggest obstacles to victory is voluntarily shirking their civic duty is cause for premature celebration.

Incredibly, the research, conducted between August and September, suggests that 41 million self-described born-again Christians are “unlikely” to vote in the November election. To Len Munsil, president of ACU, that spells disaster. “I see two huge takeaways from this blockbuster report,” he explained. “First, that Christians could be the deciding factor in a bunch of federal and state races — and are choosing not to be. And second,” he continued, “that they are longing for their local church to instruct them on how to think biblically about policy and politics. They don’t want to be told how to vote,” Munsil added, “but they do want to know why they should vote and how to view political issues from a biblical framework.”

* "David Horowitz: Political War" (Scott Johnson, Power Line)

From the article -- Democrats criminalize arguments and facts they can’t answer by calling them “disinformation.” In a campaign worthy of the KGB, the Democrat Secretary of State suborned 51 top intelligence officials including the former head of the CIA to sign a letter calling Hunter Biden’s treasonous lap top “Russian disinformation” right before the 2020 election. This behavior is not just about winning elections, which it was and would be bad enough. It’s about betraying your country and fellow countrymen.

Republicans are rightly alarmed that the Democrats have destroyed America’s borders, let in an estimated 20 million unvetted individuals including hundreds of thousands of convicted criminals, virtually all from countries and continents ruled by corrupt dictators and fanatic terrorists. They are shocked by the Democrats’ determination to give these illegal aliens the right to vote along with more goods and privileges than the indigenous population.

But they are tongue-tied when it comes to calling these policies what they are: criminal and treasonous attacks on our country and its Constitution. Joe Biden had no legal authority to change America’s immigration policies by executive order. Immigration policy is the purview of the legislative branch of government not the destructive schemes of one demented executive. Destroying the border is the greatest crime committed against America in its 237-year history. It is not a run of the mill policy difference.

* "The Long Road to Freedom for Jack Phillips" (Editors, National Review)

From the article -- Few living Americans have stood longer against government persecution for their freedoms than Colorado baker Jack Phillips. He has been repeatedly targeted under Colorado anti-discrimination law for adhering to his Christian faith. At long last, his third legal saga is over after the Colorado supreme court on Tuesday rejected the latest lawsuit against him on procedural grounds. After twelve years, Phillips is free of the courts. We can only hope he stays free — and that his fellow citizens will, too.