Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Francis Schaeffer on Cool vs Hot Communication

“According to Marshal McLuhan in the theory of communication, hot communication is communication that has content, that speaks to men and moves men through the mind on the basis of that content. Cool communication is a kind of personal first-order-experience where in one is moved but without any content passing through his mind, his reason…

It is therefore necessary for the true Christians in the church to oppose Mcluhanesque ‘cool’ communication employed by the liberal theologians with the ‘hot’ communication of theological and biblical content…

We believe in the hot communication of content and as our age cools off more and more in its communication, as content is played down and reason is plowed under, I believe the historic Christian faith must more and more emphasize content, content, content, and then more content.”

(Francis Schaeffer, The Church Before the Watching World)