Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Celebrating Life Is Always In Order

Yes, this clip has been around for a few years but it remains refreshingly inspiring. And it deserves richly deserves being passed along to others. Please do so.

"Dear Future Mom" was created by the large Italian advertising firm Saatchi & Saatchi Italy for CoorDown, Italy’s National Coordination of Associations of People With Down Syndrome, in honor of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21.

The folks in the ad include both children and adults, filmed across Europe and speaking in their native languages. And while most of the responses are positive assurances — he’ll be able to go to school, learn to write, travel, and work, say the subjects — they also include realistic warnings, like “Sometimes it will be difficult,” “Very difficult,” “Almost impossible.” "But," one young man adds, “isn’t it like that for all mothers?” At the end, some moms jump into the frame to hug their children, their proud smiles providing, perhaps, the best reassurance of all.
