* “Strange Death of Europe: If population ‘suicide’ continues, European culture may also die.” (Elliott Abrams, Mercator)
* “Irina Ratushinskaya: Poet of the Valiant Heart” (Faith McDonnell, Juicy Ecumenism)
* “Freeing the Captives” (Mark Tooley, Providence)
* “Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases” (Jason Snead & Emily Hall, Daily Signal)
* “Terror at the Temple Mount Puts the Lie to Palestinian Rage” (Eli Lake, Bloomberg)
* “Salvation Army Has Its Bell Rung by NYC” (FRC’s Washington Update)
* “ The ‘having it all’ fantasy fails our girls...and boys” (Joy Adan, Mercator)
* “Judge Fines David Daleiden $137,000 for Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts” (Steven Ertelt & Micaiah Bilgier, LifeNews.com)
* “Reagan’s Evangelism” (Mark Tooley, Juicy Ecumenism)