* “A Win for the Deep State” (Andrew Klavan, PJ Media)
* “Feminism Drives People to Deny Basic Facts” (Dennis Prager, Daily Signal)
* “Social-Justice Math Class: ‘Math Has Been Used as a Dehumanizing Tool’” (Katharine Timpf, National Review)
* “8 Major Reasons I Oppose Planned Parenthood” (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog)
* “Strategies for Dealing with the Persecution of Christians” (Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism)
* “‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Come True? Just not in the Way Feminists Think” (John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera, Breakpoint)
* “Destroying Donald Trump is all that matters in the newsrooms of the mainstream media” (Wes Pruden, Washington Times)
* “How Barack Obama Conspired with an Enemy to Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy” (John Hinderaker, Power Line)
* “When doctors say No: A law professor defends physicians' right to conscientious objection” (Michael Quinlan, Mercator)
* “Why Russia Can’t Be America’s Ally: What Putin Doesn’t Want You to Know About Moscow’s Persecution of Christians and Covert Support for Radical Islamists” (George Barros, Providence)