A couple of weeks ago, Claire and I were invited to a meeting of one of the small groups from our church because they wanted us to show them how to create a letter-writing party, one that would feature some of the letter targets we regularly emphasize in our quarterly Vital Signs Ministries letter-writing parties, but would also blend in some that were more particular to their church. Great. We were delighted to do it.
Many of the letters and cards written that night were sent to politicians and business leaders with fervent appeals to defund Planned Parenthood while several others were sent that dealt with religious freedom and protection of conscience. Still others concerned the "bathroom wars," judicial appointments, cutting ties to terrorist supporting nations, and thank you notes to missionaries and other heroes of the Faith.
I print below just a few of the 45 letters that were written that night. In showing you how brief (but purposeful) they are, perhaps they will prompt you to consider trying a letter-writing party of your own. Claire and I would be honored to help.
Dear Mr. Simpson,
After reading that Hersheypark has not yet changed its
disastrous bathroom policy (i.e. allowing men who merely “identify” as female
to use the female facilities), I must write and tell you that I am among the
many who have crossed off Hersheypark from our vacation considerations.
Please return to a measure of sanity and safety on this
Dear Vice-President Pence,
Just a quick word of thanks for your excellent services in
this critical office and in demonstrating such principle, courage, fairness, and
a winsome witness to the Christian faith.
We are proud of you and we pledge our continued prayers for God’s
protection, wisdom, and all other needed graces.
Wes & Laurie,
A quick word of thanks for your ongoing work for the Lord at
the orphanage. We are profoundly
grateful too for the opportunity to pray for the Lord to bless your work and
keep you in the palm of His Hand.
Dear Cal, (Cal Thomas)
We miss you
on Fox News but it makes us appreciate all the more your excellent
columns. Thank you so much for staying
the course for the Lord and His truth over these many years. And may God continue to use your voice.
Dear Ken & Joni, (Tada)
A few of us
from Community Bible Church in Omaha, Nebraska are writing letters tonight in
our efforts to be salt and light for the Lord.
And along with letters to politicians and business leaders, we thought
we’d write a few thank you notes to some of the heroes of the Faith who we are
so grateful for. And so we write to you
two dear saints with deep gratitude, admiration, and promise to keep you both
(and the ministry of Joni & Friends) in our frequent prayers.