We are so pleased that you have promised to actively promote the sanctity of human life as Nebraska’s 2nd District Congressman and that you have included the de-funding of the nation’s leading abortion business, Planned Parenthood, in your overall commitment to protect babies and their moms from exploitation and violence. Thank you so much.
Please take note of the Live Action video that I send along in this Vital Signs Blog post. You will find it of tremendous help in clarifying for your colleagues and constituents that Planned Parenthood is not, in fact, into prenatal care as they publicly claim. In their own words, Planned Parenthood clinic personnel from around the nation admit that they are all about abortion…and definitely not prenatal care.
It’s a very illuminating clip indeed.
Again, thank you for your principled and compassionate stand for life.
Denny Hartford
Director, Vital Signs Ministries
Omaha, Nebraska