Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sign the World Family Declaration Today

Leaders throughout history have proclaimed it, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares it, and constitutions across the world affirm it: The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and must be protected.

Never has the family stood in more urgent need of protection as it now faces its moment of greatest peril, a crisis that is eroding society and jeopardizing civilization. The solution has been known since antiquity. To put the world in order, we must first put in order the family.

Please sign, encourage others to sign, and disseminate the World Family Declaration as widely as possible—and then do everything possible to strengthen and protect the family. What we now do, or fail to do, will shape our world for generations to come.

Read the Declaration (prepared by the World Congress of Families, a pro-life, pro-family organization that Claire and I enthusiastically support) right here. And, at that same page, you can sign the Declaration yourself.