Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Oh, Rats! The EPA Can't Keep It's Own House Clean.

From the "Do as I Say, Not as I Do" Department, here's an ratty report on the Environmental Protection Agency, you know, that humongous and increasingly intrusive agency of the federal government which oversees America's environment and human health conditions.

Check this out.

In Landover, Maryland (just outside Washington, D.C.) the EPA has one of it's largest warehouses -- 70,000 square feet. But what went on inside that warehouse was certainly not what taxpayers were paying for…unless those taxpayers are willing to admit that filth and corrosion, pilferage, laziness, corruption, and criminal secrecy are part of "business as usual" for government.

“Deplorable conditions" were the order of the day.

"Door jambs were corroded; dirt, dust and vermin feces were pervasive; and several items were rotting and potentially hazardous.”...

Personally identifiable information and agency sensitive files—such as passports and legal files—were located in unsecured open boxes throughout the warehouse,” the report states. “There was a locked office inside the facility for which we could not determine a purpose.”

Employees had created hideaways arranged to be out of the sight of security cameras, the report said. “The warehouse contained multiple unauthorized and hidden personal spaces created by and for the workers that included televisions, refrigerators, radios, microwaves, chairs and couches,” the IG report said. “These spaces contained personal items, including photos, pin ups, calendars, clothing, books, magazines and videos.”

They also created a makeshift gym spanning an area larger than 30 feet by 45 feet. While exercising, employees apparently listened to music and used EPA steno pads to record workouts, according to the report.

Our tax dollars at work. Well, no, I guess it's our tax dollars at play.