Thursday, November 15, 2012

Liberals Mistake Forward for Downward

By every objective measure, America is in decline. But liberals insist that it is moving "forward." The modern philosophy of progress is Darwinian, holding that the latest development, whether of a country or a species, is always the best one. Mutations are assumed to be perfective, not destructive…

"It is dying but it laughs," said the Romans of their collapsing empire. The chortling of the Bill Mahers last week deserves a similar line. The smugness seems to grow in proportion to America's problems and pathologies. Their assertions about Obama's socialism stimulating the economy or gay marriage strengthening the family are on the same level as their claim that pot is good for public health…

Desperate to win in a declining culture, prominent Republicans have already called for a more "modern" party. It only took a couple of days for them to embrace the wisdom of the Democrats and call for a relaxed abortion stance among other "evolutions." But why stop there? If the purpose of politics is not to win on sound principles (so that problems can actually be solved when you do win) but to win through pandering, the Republicans should discard their whole platform. After all, fiscal conservatism didn't fare very well either. America could then move forward even faster toward destruction, with two liberal parties of varying degrees, jostling with each other in a competition to see who can deliver bread and circuses to the mob to greater cheers...

(From "Obama's Smug America" by George Neumayr, The American Spectator)