Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"I Love the Songs of 1941!"

"You know, I really and truly love the songs of 1941."

Dolores, one of our favorite fans of "When Swing Was King," told me this after Claire and I had presented our latest WSWK program at the nursing home where Dolores lives. I figured she said it because we happened to have three songs in this latest edition from that particular year: "Dancing in the Dark" by Artie Shaw, "Take the A Train" by Duke Ellington, and "I'll Be with You in Apple Blossom Time" by the Andrews Sisters. However, Dolores' reason was something deeper.

"1941 was the year I was 16."

Ah, that's it. Hearing these songs were such a blessing to Dolores because it brought back memories of her family, of participating in scrap drives for the war effort, of the permission her mother gave Dolores to finally wear lipstick, of football games and school dances at Omaha's Tech High, and so much more.

"Oh, we listened to the radio programs as a family; you know, the serials like The Shadow and Fred Allen. But what we loved most of all was listening to the music. And I remember so well those wonderful songs of 1941 and all those other years from way back then. Thank you so much for bringing this music back to us!"

You are so welcome, Dolores. It is a pleasure and and honor beyond compare.