Thursday, January 05, 2012

Media Refuses to Report Planned Parenthood Scandals

While ABC, CBS and NBC kept its scandals quiet, abortion group raked in 34 percent more federal money in 2011.

* Less than 8 percent (4 out of 55) of stories on three major networks about Planned Parenthood in 2011 mention scandals

* Media focus on trivial stories about celebrities (38 stories on Charlie Sheen, 10 stories on Mila Kunis’ Marine Corps Ball invite), bury Planned Parenthood-related scandals with just four mentions

* 61 percent of Americans think that abortion should be legal in “only a few” or no circumstances, yet Planned Parenthood, nation’s largest abortion provider, receives $487 million in federal funding.

What does Planned Parenthood have to do for a mention on the network news? The group provides services abhorred by much of the American population and it has been riddled with scandal recently. But according to the abortion group’s latest figures, its intake of federal tax dollars up by more than a third, and that it is 90 percent-funded by federal money.Sounds like a controversial story. Too bad ABC, CBS and NBC haven’t been paying attention...

Paul Wilson has a very good article here at