Friday, May 27, 2011

And Still Living Offline

Just checking in to Vital Signs Blog (and Facebook) with a reminder of why Claire and I remain offline. My Mom is still in the hospital. In fact, she is still in the ICU because of severe edema, pulmonary hypertension, low blood pressure and other problems. Naturally, we are with her there for most of the time. And though we have been able to do some Vital Signs work from there in the hospital room, we haven't had the means (or, quite honestly, much of the inclination) to try and manage my regular blogging activities.

So thank you for your patience...and your prayers. I'll be back as soon as possible.

One other thing -- because of our preoccupation with Mom and visiting family, I forgot to mention here that the May edition of Vital Signs' LifeSharer letter was sent out. Judging from the responses we've already received, it seems it was a pretty interesting one. You can see if you think so too by checking it out right here.

And yes, there's a brief description in that LifeSharer letter about the marriage ceremony in the ICU that I mentioned awhile ago.

See you soon.