Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Can You Possess Peace & Joy in the Midst of the Battle?

A friend's Facebook confession that he is sometimes overwhelmed by all the bad news (of which, no doubt, there is plenty) drew a response from another that in order to keep his cool, he no longer listens "to talk radio, editorial TV shows or even newscasts any more." This person went on to suggest "The Bible warns us to 'take heed to what we hear.' So, I'd rather have my joy then be continually upset with what is going on in America."

Such an attitude I can sure understand and even be sympathetic with. But it's very wrong. And so I joined in the conversation with the following:

And yet genuine joy is to be had in the very thick of the struggle. The peace that Jesus gives isn't like the world's weak version. It doesn't need to be protected from the harsh winds of reality.

We can't hide from the ugliness and wickedn...ess of the world -- that's escapism, the peace of the vacation. We must not shut our eyes or close our hearts but rather learn to hold onto His joy, His peace, His wisdom even as we wield the weapons of spiritual warfare.

So, yes, of course, it's disturbing to read the newspaper or listen to talk radio or, Lord knows, do a daily blog that deals with the culture wars. But we can't opt out for a personal peace. We can't join Maxwell Smart in the cone of silence. We must instead be in the world but not of it. We must be lights that are willing to go into the very darkness itself to torch it up. With joy. With discernment. With love for others, even our enemies. And with hope -- not that the world is going to suddenly hold hands and order a Coke -- but with the sure hope of our eternal inheritance.

A difficult task? Boy howdy! In fact, it's so difficult only a dependence on the Holy Spirit of God can make it happen. And so we urge one another along...