We are, of course, grieved at this news but we are also committed to do what we can to prayerfully, peacefully oppose all abortionists and to raise the standards of Christ's righteousness and mercy in our culture.
I'm terribly sad to confess that the Church's response in the Omaha area to the "silent holocaust" has never been very strong. Pro-life activists who diligently pray, who faithfully promote the sanctity of life, and who help in sidewalk counseling, in crisis pregnancy center ministry and in peaceful protest of the shedding of innocent blood have always been just a handful compared to the vast numbers of evangelicals and Catholics in the area.
Will this expansion of abortion by Carhart and Planned Parenthood's new abortion center in northwest Omaha -- both representing new depths of of decadence, new heights of violence and new ranks of murdered innocents -- finally awaken the Church to her responsibilities to "deliver those staggering towards death?"
I'm almost afraid to ask.
But if YOU would like to join us in enacting a principled response to the brutal blasphemy performed by thugs like Leroy Carhart, C.J. Labenz and the flunkies who kill preborn kids for Planned Parenthood, please contact us soon.
And may God yet have mercy on the Midlands.