Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sidewalk Counseling: Can It Get More Intense?

Yesterday's sidewalk counseling experience at the abortion clinic was just about as dramatic and emotional as you can get. For it combined the usual sadness of seeing abortion clients disregard our offers of alternatives with two exceptional situations:

1) having one of the women who took her daughter (presumably) into the abortion mill be someone Claire and I know and have regular contact with; and

2) having a woman break down into heavy crying as I shared with her the facts about abortion and the offer to take her to the nearby pregnancy center where she could find safety, peace, and compassionate care for her and her unborn baby. The woman eventually did go (with the baby's father) to A Woman's Touch as well as getting a lot of loving attention and help from us. We were, of course, very thrilled but we also know that there remain strong pressures on her to abort her child. We urge you to remember her in your prayers.

And us too.