Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Here's An Everyday Hero For You

"I am convinced that the greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs." (Florence Nightingale)

You want to see one such hero? Here's Mike, an SEIU member who dares to speak publicly about his union's improper practice of requiring dues from him that are then used to support political and ideological things he vehemently opposes.

Note how the reporter naturally assumes that the union will, contrary to Mike's constitutional freedoms of speech and conscience, retaliate against him. That's what Big Labor has come to -- unfairness, arrogance and mean-spirited coercion.

She knows it. You and I know it too. And so does Mike.

But he speaks out for what's right anyhow.

I'd suggest we pray for him and his family, asking God to protect them and bless them. And let him be an inspiration to all of us to speak up for what's right too...no matter what it may cost. (Hat tip to Health Care BS and Blogs Lucianne Loves.)