Good article to read. Good article to pass around.
It has come to this, I’m afraid.
We need to keep our perspective.
Conservatives have won nothing. Nothing.
Ken Buck you say? Sharron Angle? Mike Lee? Pat Toomey? Marco Rubio? Joe Miller? Rand Paul? Nikki Haley?
Here, pay attention: they are all candidates...
...There is a huge difference between winning a primary and winning an actually election. One gives you the name “nominee.” The other gives you the name Senator, Congressman, and Governor. It is the latter that is important.A lot of conservatives want to go pounding their fists on their chests, declare themselves Tarzan of the Jungle, and pronounce their great victories. But we have, ultimately, won nothing.
Nothing, that is, yet. There are feuds breaking out. There are some conservatives who have decided to sit on the sidelines because their candidate did not win. There are some moderates who have decided to sit on the sidelines because their candidate did not win.
As I have said from Day One of my arrival at RedState, here we are conservative in the primary and Republican in the general election. Now is the time to mobilize and fight to take back the country from the Democrats. There is only one vehicle by which we can do that — the Republican Party.
Don’t get cocky. Don’t get overconfident. Don’t decide you’ve done all you need or want to do. Victory is ours, but we must fight for it all the way to November.