Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Populace Disapprove of Obama -- But the Press Still Adores Him

Over at Matt Drudge's indispensable site, he not only reports the latest Rasmussen poll figures (Barack Obama has returned to his lowest popularity levels ever) but reminds us of why the alternative media is absolutely crucial to the freedom of our country. He points out, "Media coverage of Obama has improved significantly over past week as his approval ratings have slipped...While 43% of voters approve, 55% of media coverage has been positive."

The MSM is doing everything it can to hide the truth, spin the stories and trumpet the Democrat talking points. It is therefore up to us to try and even the playing field for November's elections and beyond.

Pray hard and broadcast the truth.

Do not assume that your friends, family, church members, and fellow employees are aware of what's really going down. Introduce them to conservative web sites and radio shows; help wean them from leftist "news" programs like those of AP, NPR, PBS and the networks; forward blog posts from places like Vital Signs Blog to Facebook and your e-mail list; and bring to your church friends requests for prayer that concern cultural disintegration rather than just Aunt Lou's lumbago.

As our parents "did their bit" when fighting World War II, let's do ours in the culture wars that rage about us.