But the MSM really outdid itself this time in its rabid and irresponsible anti-Israel prejudice. Without waiting for the evidence (indeed, despite the testimonial and even visual evidence it had available), the press presented the event as Israeli overkill to a group of idealistic peace protesters.
But guess what? Genuine peacenicks do not use guns, knives or pipes. They do not open fire first. They are not armed and funded by international terrorists. They do not sneakily set an ambush in order to execute the police.
In reality, this Gaza flotilla was a setup, a deadly ambush designed to provoke just the kind of defensive action Israeli sailors would be forced to take. The terrorists then knew it could depend on journalists to start the leftist spin. And that habitual obscurantist reflex wasn't displayed only by the liberal media -- the Obama administration was also quick on the trigger to take hard (and completely undeserved) shots at Israel.
So, please don't trust the mainstream media on this one. Go to news sources who depend on the facts, news sources who understand the difference between peaceful protesters and Palestinian terrorists caught on camera who shoot first, stab second and viciously beat downed sailors with long metal pipes third.
Here's just a few of those sources:
* The Lid
* The Weekly Standard
* Melanie Phillips at the Spectator
* The Jerusalem Post
* NewsBusters
* Commentary and Commentary again
* News 24
* Ynet News
* Haaretz