Friday, June 04, 2010

Contrary to Campaign Image, Obama Is Chipping Away at Marriage

A couple of weeks ago I had an item describing how President Obama had used bogus arguments to launch new laws protecting the right of homosexual partners to visit their loved ones in the hospital -- but there were already laws guaranteeing that.

Now we see what was going on. It was just a lead up to granting broader benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees.

President Obama is prohibited by the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) from giving full benefits to same-sex couples and Bill Duncan, director of the Marriage Law Foundation, said the new guidelines are meant to test the waters. "The administration's trying to signal that they want to do something to start to chip away at the Defense of Marriage Act," he said.

Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America, said the president may be trying to shore up relations with the gay lobby. "President Obama seems to be going far out of his way to try and keep homosexual activists happy," she said, "but the problem is, they'll never be happy – they'll always demand more."

"President Obama seems to have a different agenda now than he did when he ran for office," Wright said. "When he ran for office, he left most people with the impression that he supported marriage between one man and one woman."...