1) The fact that two Christian relief groups are being kicked out of Afghanistan "on suspicion of proselytizing."
2) The fact that proselytizing is illegal in Afghanistan as, of course, it is in many Muslim countries. (It seems that they want the West's soldiers, our money, our skill in development but then have the nerve to outlaw us from even talking about why we're moved to help others in the first place.)
3) Or the fact that both of the Christian agencies insist that evangelism is something they never do! And that makes me wonder in just what sense these groups consider themselves Christian? For isn't evangelism a core element of the Faith?
"Norwegian Church Aid Secretary-General Atle Sommerfeldt said in a statement that his organization has a firm policy of not attempting "to convert people to another religion" in all countries where it operates. Maurice Bloem, deputy director of programs for Church World Service, said in a statement his organization does not proselytize, in accordance with the code of conduct for NGOs."
Have these guys read the New Testament lately?
No, you don't have to be a Bible-thumper nor do you share the gospel in ways that are loud, aggressive, constant, uppity, impatient, or culturally insensitive. But to accept the restriction not to present the gospel of Jesus Christ at all? Wow.
So much for giving a cup of water in Jesus' Name.