Friday, April 09, 2010

This Is How Loopy Liberalism Has Become

It's not just for laughs or shock value but to awaken Americans as to just how dangerously goofy liberals are becoming in our day that Jonah Goldberg quotes the "senior foreign policy fellow" at Media Matters:

The whole south shifts to the Republican Party over one issue, they don’t like black people…so you have the racism thing, the fact that we’ve eradicated the separation of church and state essentially, which started I have to say when Jimmy Carter was first elected. As a Jew I noticed it — first president who talked about Jesus Christ, and that was sort of like, “whoa, presidents don’t talk about Christ!”…and now you have the modern Republican Party that has to cater to these racists and that gets me to my fundamental point, it is not that they are pro-Israel. They are anti-Muslim. They do not like Muslims. They are on the side of Israel because Israel is — they don’t like Jews that much to start out with, either — but compared to Muslims, they like Jews fine.

They’re infatuated with the Israeli army. Why? Because the Israeli army kills Muslims. I mean, this is what it’s all about….When you hear them talk to the, I don’t want to say the average American, but certainly the average American south of the Mason-Dixon line, “these Muslims” — well, someone said to me the other day, “how’s Keith Ellison doing?” Because he’s a Muslim member of congress, with all these crazy wackos wandering around, I said “how’s Keith Ellison doing?” and he said, “oh, they don’t bother with Keith Ellison, he’s just Al-Qaeda..”

Which prompts Jonah's NRO colleague Mark Steyn to satirically respond:

Jonah, re that Media Matters "Senior Foreign Policy Fellow" fellow and his grand unified theory as to why anti-Semitic racist Islamophobe conservatives dig Israel - because "the Israeli army kills Muslims."

Actually, the Israeli army really sucks at killing Muslims compared to, say, the Assad regime in Syria, or Saddam Hussein, or even King Hussein in his bloodier Palestinian crackdowns. The Janjaweed are totally awesome at killing Muslims, and they kill black Muslims, which ought to be a twofer for us racist Islamophobes. The Taliban executed gay Muslims, which really appeals to my Islamohomophobia. And let's not forget honor killings, because if there's one thing we sexist racist anti-Semitic homophobe Islamophobes really like to see it's a lippy broad getting her comeuppance, even if she's only twelve. And that's before you take into account the, ah, collateral damage of child-marriage: What kind of sophisticated analysis of conservatism forgets to factor in our misogyny? Even Frank Rich understands we oppose health care not just because of a black president and a gay committee chairman but a female speaker.

By the way, I understood Media Matters to be a George Soros-funded website. Is it normal for websites to have "senior fellows"? The Media Matters guy who used to to transcribe my "lame jokes" from The Rush Limbaugh Show is now apparently a Senior Fellow. Can we have some? Which NRO Professor Emeritus of Racism and Homophobia do I have to kiss up to to get a little tenured credentialization around here?