It's title is "The Abortion Pain Prevention Act" and it would provide a general prohibition on abortions performed when the probable gestational age of the unborn child is 20 or more weeks, unless, "in reasonable medical judgment," the woman is experiencing a medical emergency. The bill bases the 20 week line on research concerning fetal development and ability to experience pain, abortion methods used at and after 20 weeks, anesthesia, and the state's interest in reducing or preventing actions that inflict pain.
It is, therefore, a bill that would not only greatly advance the educational purposes of the pro-life movement -- it would save lives.
Please send along your encouragement to your State Senator and the members of the Judiciary Committee to support LB 1103. Those Committee members are: Ashford, Lathrop, Christensen, Coash, Council, Lautenbaugh, McGill and Rogert.
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