Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Planned Parenthood Ecstatic Over ObamaCare

You want to know how rotten was Bart Stupak's hypocrisy? You want to see how worthless is Barack Obama's talk of an Executive Order? You want to learn how full of abortion is the health care "reform" bill?

Then read the fulsome praise of the bill by Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards:

On the Executive Order -- it was merely "a symbolic gesture...to anti-choice Congressman Bart Stupak which has diverted attention from the central goal." Furthermore, "What the president’s executive order did not do is include the complete and total ban...that Congressman Bart Stupak had insisted upon. So while we regret that this proposed Executive Order has given the imprimatur of the president to Senator Nelson’s language, it is critically important to note that it does not include the Stupak abortion ban."

And, in case you didn't get it, Richards repeated herself, "Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his Executive Order."

And for his cave-in, did Stupak get any "props" from the nation's #1 abortion provider? Nope. He will be reviled by both sides of the abortion debate. "Planned Parenthood is also extremely pleased that members of the House listened to the millions of women and men who expressed their strong opposition to the Stupak abortion ban. Stopping the Stupak ban was a high priority."

As reported by LifeNews.com, Planned Parenthood also applauded "a provision to expand family planning under Medicaid, which would significantly increase access to essential preventive health care for millions of women" -- in other words increasing the abortion businesses' customer base.

Richards admitted as much, saying, “As a result of this historic expansion of health care coverage to more than 30 million Americans, the doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals who work for Planned Parenthood health centers will be providing care to many more" people.