Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March VSM Letter: "Why Is Abortion Still a Big Deal in the United States?"

The March issue of the Vital Signs Ministries letter is up over at our website. In it, I describe my answers to the question a Norwegian TV crew recently directed towards me, "Why, after so long a time, is abortion still such a desperate controversy here in the United States?"

Check it out.

And, while you're over there, look around the site. We are on the very edge of shaking things up over there in look, content and in making it the launch site of our other cyber-outreaches too. But there's still plenty to engage your interests now.

And, if you would consider making a donation to Vital Signs to help us in the pursuit of our ministries, we'd would sure appreciate it. Thanks, we could really use the help right now. Just use the "Donate Online" button down on the left sidebar of this page.