Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is Israel America's New Enemy?

Despite Vice President Joe Biden’s recent pledge of unswerving fidelity to Israel during his recent visit there, the rhetoric and pressure directed by the Obama administration against the only fully functioning democracy in the Middle East more accurately resembles the behavior of an enemy. Increasingly under this administration — but also present in Republican administrations — America’s policy toward Israel is full of “harmful designs” and “antagonistic activities.” The intentions may not be deliberate, but the outcome would lead to the same injurious end...

Read the rest of Cal Thomas' latest column, "Israel’s New Enemy: America?" It's an important one.

And, by the way, you need not miss any of Cal's columns anymore. They are available, along with other valuable information, on his own website.

For instance, I particularly enjoyed the video clip where Cal reviews the beginning of his syndicated column 25 years ago. Younger conservatives don't remember the days when the alternative media barely existed, days when those very rare conservative voices in the mainstream media (William F. Buckley, Robert Novak and Cal Thomas) kept the torch aloft. We owe these guys an awful lot.