I would like your thoughts on what we may have learned from the election of Obama. It is interesting to me to see a charismatic, yet unproven leader with no accomplishments of significance rise up and become president of the USA and lauded overseas.
I am not saying Obama is the antichrist, but I sense that given the right circumstances, the world would embrace a one-world ruler who would appear from nowhere and proclaim a false peace and a false religion.
I honestly never thought I would see something like the Obama phenomenon in my lifetime. The end may be near! I appreciate your insightful thoughts.
Denny replied,
You're right on, D_____. But the salient point is not Obama's skill or personality. In fact, he's actually a pretty boring guy with a weak intellect and lousy political instincts.
No, his power is because 1) he has the aggressive support of a very powerful secularist coalition (mainstream media, academia, government) and 2) the cultures which were once Western civilization have become filled with citizens who are foolish, unprincipled, self-centered, spiritually stunted, and easily led.
I think, in previous years, we thought the anti-christ would come to power because of his own superstar aura. I now think it will be more a matter of the sheer stupidity of the crowd. The story of the Emperor's New Clothes comes to mind but the important lesson for moderns isn't the Emperor's ego or credulity as much as it is the benumbed cowardice of the citizens.
Anyhow, the end, as you say, may be near. But our responsibilities to pray, live righteously, proclaim the truth, enjoy God and his creation, love the brotherhood, and anticipate heaven -- well, those things are always nearer than anything else. Hang in there, my brother.