Hardly anyone believes the myth of an overwhelming liberal bias in the mainstream media anymore...because the "myth" outlandishly screams from the old guard newspapers, magazines and TV networks every single day.
Like this bizarre opinion of Joe Klein's. Barack Obama as a moderate-liberal fellow who is willing to make judicious compromises? And, in Klein's world, it's not the big-spending, backroom-dealing, authoritarians which constitute the Democrat Party (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Charles Rangel, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and on and on) who are "paralyzed by cynicism and hypocrisy, undergirded by inchoate ideological fervor" -- it's the G.O.P.
Joe Klein hasn't drunk the Kool-Aid. He knows what's what. But in his devotion to promote the socialist cause, he will lie, cheat, steal and write nonsensical drivel like the above paragraph. For he is, to recall Michael Ende's villain of The Neverending Story, the devoted "servant of the Nothing." So he will dutifully mix, market and sell the Kool-Aid for his masters.
But Joe, it's a new day, fella. Fewer and fewer people thirst for the stuff you're peddling.
Indeed, the leftist lurch of reporters and editors has become extreme; so extreme that they are in danger of falling over permanently. Some already have. CBS, the New York Times, MSNBC, the Washington Post, TIME, the Boston Globe, Air America, NBC, Newsweek -- they're all going belly up because of their irrational insistence on giving people lies, distortions, fake news, and excruciating arrogance rather than solid and fair-minded journalism.
Lies will out when there's somebody around to tell the truth. For most people really do want to know what's going on. They do not merely want their ears tickled or their presuppositions protected. They want news that is just that, news. And they are tired, Mr. Klein, of being treated like chumps by the leftist monopoly...of being expected to read the aching agitprop you write and think it balanced, illuminating or even sane.
And that's why the alternative media has taken off. That's why Rush Limbaugh is so popular. It's why the blogosphere has produced better journalism than the dying media giants (the ACORN story, John Edwards, tax-evading Cabinet members, Ft. Hood, the "Christmas bomber," etc.)
And it's why Fox News won the war against the "moderate-liberal" President and why it is increasingly beating the socks off of tired old hacks like yourself.
Joe, your days are numbered. And apparently you know it. That's why you could care less anymore about appearing the least bit reasonable or judicious. You're team is losing the argument so badly that you've started to panic. You've dispensed with reason and you've started to scream, curse and threaten. To turn a phrase, it is you and your MSM comrades who have become "paralyzed by cynicism and hypocrisy, undergirded by inchoate ideological fervor."
And so the crowds have turned away. They've tasted something better, more wholesome, more refreshing than what you've been offering. And so you won't get them back by just repackaging your product, by begging your administration masters to grant you a monopoly, or by throwing ridiculous tantrums like you did in this morning's article.