Well, from that splendid evening, we would like to pass along three recommendations, all of which we're confident will pass muster at your house.
First, try sprinkling a little brown sugar on bacon strips before baking them. Karla did and they were delicious.

Second, go ahead and take that new Domino's challenge. As the commercials claim, they have most definitely improved their product. Good pizza at a good price. And, of course, the company's founder is a generous, outspoken pro-life advocate.
And third, go find a copy of David Selznik's 1944 film, Since You Went Away. It is a true classic but one which has been woefully neglected in the years since its release. Why I cannot imagine for it is a beautiful, enlightening, compelling human drama. Superbly written and acted and accompanied by a lovely and haunting musical score, Since You Went Away provided the most touching movie experience I've had in years.
Since You Went Away was

It is a long film with a wide assortment of scenes from the home front experience. I told the girls that if I were still teaching history, I'd use it in class. For it would be as useful for its historical and cultural revelations as it is an example of lofty, soulful, cinematic art.
But please don't expect Since You Went Away to be a breezy movie. There is, as one should expect from a fine re-creation of a family touched by war, moments of deep pathos. But then it is a tender film, touching on all themes which reflected the home front of World War II: loneliness, loss, love, expectation, heroism, sacrifice, tedium, heartbreak, patriotism and faith.
We couldn't recommend a film more highly.