She is now okay but we didn't get her back to her room at the Life Care Center until after noon. By then, it was probably too late for us to make our flight anyhow but we just didn't feel comfortable leaving town under the circumstances.
So we will miss direct participation in the annual March for Life in Washington and the Blogs for Life conference at the Family Research Council. That's a bummer.
However...thanks to the advances in technology, we don't have to miss them entirely. Indeed, we invite you to join us here tomorrow morning for a live webcast of the Blogs for Life conference beginning at 7:30 CST.
And you can even join the thousands of pro-life Americans who will...get going on a Virtual March for Life thanks to the clever folks at Americans United for Life. You can select your own "avatar" (it's an old word, doesn't mean I'm endorsing the pantheistic movie which uses it as a title) and join tomorrow's March. CLaire and I signed up; you can too. Click here to learn how.
And finally, the most important word of all for those of you here in Nebraska, is please plan on attending the Walk for Life in Lincoln a week from Saturday. (Details are right here.) This may well be one of the most important Walks for Life ever held in our state and it is of critical importance that we increase (by big bunches) the evangelical support of this inspirational public witness. C'mon, join us in Lincoln!