Friday, January 08, 2010

Christians Falling for Hollywood's Bad Bill of Goods

Has the church militant become the church milquetoast?

I'm hearing more and more Christians give movie recommendations that sound like this...

"Well, yes, there a few scenes that you should probably close your eyes to and there's the usual problem of some pretty gritty language. Of course, there's going to be some toilet humor and probably more sexual references than they needed. And there are a few attacks on conservative political values that I didn't like either but, hey, that's Hollywood for you."

"Also, they've got to throw in a homosexual character who gets kinda' gross at times but then he's the one in the end who really ends up showing compassion and common sense. Oh yeah, there is quite a bit of religion bashing; well, except for pantheism. And they did get carried away a bit in making fun of creationists, pro-lifers and people who want to protect marriage."

"But overall the story was pretty neat and it sure made me laugh a few times. It wasn't Shakespeare or anything, just a couple of hours of nice, escapist entertainment."

"I think you might like it."

Really? Then think again. For the sake of everything that's sacred, please think again.

For such mindless movie recommendations are but one example of how Christians are willingly surrendering to an ungodly culture their values, their heritage, their consciences and the commands given them by Jesus to remain pure in heart, to shine the light in the darkness, to overcome evil with good, and so on.

We aren't actually losing the contest; we're simply forfeiting it away.