Friday, November 06, 2009

Vital Signs Ministries: Come Join Us for "Pro-Life First Saturdays"

Tomorrow morning (Saturday, November 7) Claire and I will be joining several of our Christian pro-life colleagues for a special demonstration outside the Council Bluffs Planned Parenthood at 1604 2nd Avenue. (That's 2 blocks south of Broadway on 16th Street.)

This is the PP center where we used to regularly picket and sidewalk counsel before they stopped committing surgical abortions there last year. We now do our sidewalk counseling on Monday mornings at the Bellevue abortion clinic.

However, the PP center in Council Bluffs remains a very wicked and lethal place: distributing deadly abortifacient poisons as well as advice and enablement for sexual promiscuity. So Vital Signs Ministries has selected Planned Parenthhood facilities to be on the list for our team pro-life demonstrations to be held the first Saturday morning of the month.

This particular facility will not be open tomorrow so we will be concentrating on prayers (corporate and private) as well as informing the public driving by that intersection. We'll be at the facility tomorrow morning at 7:30 for an hour (maybe a bit more).

And, in addition to some of our regular signs and banners (babies, "Every Heartbeat Is a Gift from God," the white cross on a color banner, etc), we'll be carrying signs made by Kurt Oyer that read:


* PLANNED PARENTHOOD: America's Largest Abortion Business. They're Making a Killing. Literally!

* 240,000 Surgical Abortions: Done Every Year By PLANNED PARENTHOOD

* The “Morning-After” Pill and RU-486 ENDANGER YOUR HEALTH TOO!

* PLANNED PARENTHOOD Racist -- Elitist -- Barbaric And You Are Paying the Bill!

If you'd like to join us tomorrow morning, please do. We'd love to have you aboard. And if you'd like to be on the call list for other First Saturday demonstrations, just let us know.