Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Team Obama's Remarkably Misplaced Priorities

If ever a cliche needed to be retired, it's the one about "speaking truth to power." And if the recent use of this self-congratulatory phase, by top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, doesn't put us out of its misery, nothing will.

Jarrett was being interviewed by CNN's Campbell Brown about the White House's criticism of Fox News. Brown, bless her, was asking tough questions that placed Jarrett on the defensive. In a last gasp effort to defend her position that Fox's conservative opinion show hosts are more worthy of criticism than their left-liberal counterparts on MSNBC, Jarrett stated that the White House was "speaking truth to power."

Can we be far from "newspeak"when the most powerful office in the world holds itself out as speaking truth to power when it criticizes a cable news network?

Either Jarrett is an air-head or the Obama administration is a serious threat to freedom. The answer is, some of both, I think.

(Paul Mirengoff, Power Line, October 30)