Friday, November 06, 2009

The Media's Complicity in Forcing ObamaCare Down Our Throats

The liberal media wants ObamaCare to pass almost as much as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and George Soros do. That's why the newspapers and network news shows are splashing around the AMA's endorsement of Congress' 1,990 page health care reform bill.

But they are being careful to avoid telling you that the AMA represents only 17-24% of the profession.

Indeed, as I pointed out from an Investor's Business Daily poll last September, two of every three practicing physicians opposed the medical overhaul plan that was then under consideration in Washington. Hundreds of thousands were considering shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted.

And that was then. The final bill created by Nancy Pelosi and other liberal Democrats is now much more extreme, expensive and intrusive. The numbers of doctors opposing it would be even higher.

But the MSM coverage conveniently (unjustly is the better word) leaves these facts out.

Nor does the MSM tell us about the state medical associations of Ohio, Illinois, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida who are considering a bolt from the AMA endorsement.

Nor do they tell us that former AMA president Stormy Johnson is preparing a resolution to rescind the endorsement.

Nor do they tell us that the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons announced their firm opposition to the House bill.

So please pass this on to your friends who are only hearing the media's slant in this debate. We can't rely on Katie. We have to get the truth out ourselves.