Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Savage is Savage to Britain's Home Secretary...But Che is Radical Chic

Humberto Fontova explores the bizarre mindset of liberals like the U.K.'s Home Secretary Jacqui Smith who refused to allow conservative radio star Michael Savage to even set foot in her country and yet who is gone ga-ga over Che Guevera's daughter and Cuba 50, a huge celebration of Fidel Castro's Communist tyranny which will be soon taking place in London. Below is an excerpt from Fontova's justifiably blistering article.

For "fostering extremism and hatred " Britain's home secretary has barred the immensely popular U.S. radio commentator Michael Savage from setting foot in the U.K. "Coming to the U.K. is a privilege," explained Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, "and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life. Therefore, I will not hesitate to name and shame those who foster extremist views as I want them to know that they are not welcome here."

Fair enough, Ms Smith. But Che Guevara's daughter, Aleida, will be in Britain next month for a hoopla titled Cuba50, which is billed as "the biggest European celebration in this 50th anniversary year." In London's expansive Barbican Centre, Britain will throw the continent's biggest party commemorating 50 years of Castro's Stalinist regime, which jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin's, murdered political prisoners at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler's, and came closest of anyone to plunging the world into nuclear war.

In the process of "liberating" Cuba, the regime to be honored in London's most prestigious convention center created refugees at a higher rate than the Waffen SS and Gestapo created while conquering and subjugating France. (Just so you know: All figures for the above murder and oppression are provided with full documentation in the books, "Exposing the Real Che Guevara" and "Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant.")

And lest we get the wrong idea, Aleida Guevara will visit Home Secretary Smith's jurisdictional domain in order to promote, in her own words: "my father's ideals, his concerns and his ambitions. I believe that my father is a banner to the world!" adds Che's well-fed (in sharp contrast to most Cubans) daughter.

By the way, Humberto Fontova's book Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him (published a year ago) remains the best and most exhaustive reference on the market. I recommend it highly.