Sunday, October 11, 2009

Politicians Exude a Lot of Hot Air...But Not Enough to Heat Our Homes

One of the feature stories in the Weekend Yahoo News carried this tantalizing headline, "Solar Power Outshining Colorado's Gas Industry." But inside the story itself were observations like this one, "solar is becoming the power source of choice even though it still produces only a small fraction of the region's electricity" and "The natural gas industry, which produces more gas here than nearly every other county in Colorado, has been relegated to the shadows."

Huh? How can the reporter believe that the natural gas industry is "relegated to the shadows" when it still provides all but a fraction of the state's power?

Because the reporter sees how Congress is doing everything it can to regulate natural gas out of business despite the devastating effects it will have on our country's economy and personal energy costs. And despite the fact that "alternative" energy sources cannot come close to producing what we desperately need to run our factories, cook our food, keep the lights turned on and help our families stay warm.

It is as blatant an act of suicidal stupidity as anything our politicians have ever come up with.

Reading the article, you'll see that the reporter is obviously taken in by the myths of climate change hysteria, including the naive belief that technocrats will somehow find the miracle cures for our energy needs...any day now.

She does acknowledge that costs will be exorbitant (although she avoids that word). She does acknowledge that the loss of production results in a loss of jobs and much higher energy prices for consumers. And she does acknowledge that the natural gas industry is being squeezed, not by the free market, but by government tyranny (and right, she avoids that word too.)

She writes, "With the county and city drawing up plans to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming and Congress weighing the first mandatory limits, the industry once again finds itself on the losing side of the debate."

No, it's not losing any debate, ma'am. The scientific facts, the economic realities and the geo-political necessities are all on the side of America providing for its own energy needs through natural gas, clean coal, oil and atomic power. No reputable scientist dares to suggest that windmills and solar generators can provide anything but a small amount of our country's energy needs -- for at least a century.

No, the industry is not losing on the merits of the case. It's just losing -- period. Because the ever-tightening grip of Big Government doesn't need to win any argument. It just does whatever it wants...even when what it wants will lead to chaos and tragedy.