Friday, October 09, 2009

Back from Colorado

Claire and I returned late last night (I guess it was early this morning) from our Colorado trip. We were actually gone less than a week with the first couple of days involved with the Bear Creek High School Class of '69 reunion and the last four days being more of our traditional working vacation.

It wasn't long but since we hadn't had a vacation in a few years, it was a very nice and very welcome respite. I managed to blog the usual amount while in Colorado as well as work with Claire on several Vital Signs Ministries projects. I even got in a bit of work on this Sunday's sermon.

Other things we enjoyed this week (besides those I've already mentioned) were several hours driving in the mountains, a shiveringly cold picnic going up towards Mt. Evans (snow had closed the way to the peak itself), spending some time at my Dad's grave site in Golden, our traditional lunch at the Golden Tea Room (just across the street from my junior high school), exploring changes made at Red Rocks, visiting old haunts, buying some cheap wooden toys at Heritage Square, walking around Idaho Springs, trying out the fried chicken and the bluegrass music at the White Fence Farm, reading, talking about old times and upcoming events, and having a farewell lunch with members of Claire's family (Peg, Vince, Addison & Dan) at Vince's fabulous restaurant just off Hampden Avenue, Piccolo's.

We apologize to all of our Colorado friends that we weren't able to arrange get-togethers this time around but we do promise to try and rectify that in the future. In fact, Claire is suggesting that sometime next spring we return for a week with no Vital Signs work to be done and no nostalgic trips around Denver to take -- just a week set aside exclusively to fellowship with the Hartfords, the Caninos, the Youngs, the Halls, the Lawsons, the Cookes, the Rosatis, the Swansons, the Hindmans, et al. How's that sound?

We came back to a home still pretty unsettled as our series of renovation projects remain "in the works." Kevin still has the stairs to carpet and the kitchen counter top and back splash to tile but he did a fantastic job on the other tasks: carpeting the living and dining rooms, refurbishing the baseboard, and tiling the entry, fireplace and window seat. Really cool. We will return the furniture later today and get back in a groove but it will still be a couple of weeks before we're able to get back in the regular routine of entertaining.

Your invitation will be in the mail!