One of those is VSM Resources, our Russian/English site wherein sermons, Bible study helps, pro-life information, and other addresses will be available in both languages. (There is some neat stuff there already...but not nearly enough.) Although we still struggle to find sufficient funds to pay our translator -- she's good and she's graciously serving for less than she normally does, but we still would like to pay her something! -- we have recently got a big break from a local sister in Christ who will be typing up my sermons, radio transcripts and other articles from my dog-eared hand-written originals. That will free Claire up tremendously.
We can then start sending those transcripts back East for translation. Therefore, we hope to have a lot more material on VSM Resources in the coming months.
And the second as yet underdeveloped web site is Exposition 101 where we were going to "park" the sermons I preach at Faith Bible Church and a few other audio items. We had a few lodged there already but our scarcity of time combined with technical problems (our computer, the limitations of the site, and the sound system at the church) were keeping us from getting that site going like we wanted as well.
But Bingo! Isaac Serafino comes through once again and we're freshly underway. So, in addition to the 5 or 6 audio files that were there (available to listen to on-line or to download onto a MP3), Claire has uploaded the 11-sermon series I preached at Faith Bible Church on the terrific book of 1 Peter.
In the next couple of months, we will follow with a few of the most popular "Vital Signs" radio interviews as well as the entire series I did on the Book of Acts.
It's very exciting stuff to us and we think you will find the materials of value. Having made 14 visits to Eastern Europe, I know our brothers and sisters in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries who desperately need Bible study help and pro-life information in their own language will be well served.
We would certainly appreciate your prayers that we utilize well these new breakthroughs to make of Exposition 101 and VSM Resources the most highly efficient ministries they can be.
Please ask the Lord to show us the best answers to the technical issues, to bless Vital Signs Ministries with enough money to pay our translator for important services rendered, and to help Claire and I (and our beloved Vital Signs teammates) wend our way through the maze of other responsibilities we have so that we're seeing His priorities and performing His "to-do list." Thanks so much.